The teacher next door to me just got two large book carts for math books and I ran away with the boxes. Once we got them home, I started to find the castle in them with my box knife. I knew it was in there somewhere. Sure enough it turned into a castle and the kids have already gotten some good play time out of it. Joanna and the kids are just finishing up a unit on medieval times so it's perfect timing for a culminating project. The kids want to put on a play using the castle. We'll see if that's still on the books tomorrow. Levi only got to enjoy it for a short while before bed however he did say, "thanks, Dad." There still need to be some finishing touches. We'll have to add some strings for the drawbridge and some sort of roof for the two front bulging tower things.
Cool Kaleb...would those bulging things be parapets? Have a good day, and a good score on the boxes!
Parapets are the little bumps around the walls so that guys can shoot arrows out between them.
Maybe it's called the gatehouse??
Good job with the castle! I think you may have gotten the Lisherness creative genes.
That was so cute that Levi said, thanks, Dad.
Love how kids can be entertained by something that costs nothing.
Very creative Kaleb...fun to do for and with the kids. I remember when Dee and Tammy (mostly Tammy) took all of those large refrigerator boxes and made never never land and Peter Pan for the girls 5th birthday when we were staying with you guys for a while.
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