

Every year we let the kids take turns putting up the Angel. Josh put it up two years ago and MacKenzie was last year. This year Levi got his chance and next year will be Gabriel. What a rotation. It's like waiting for the next leap year. Not getting to do it for a few years may even make it more memorable. Anyway, it's a fun tradition.


The Best Years said...

Traditions are a good thing...like all of us getting together for Charlie's birthday and then heading for downtown Seattle, riding the Carousel, checking out Fireworks to see what they have, hanging out at Barnes and Noble hot chocolate, books and good talks. Some of us even get some Christmas shopping in....not! Yes traditions are fun! Levi won't remember but he will definitely appreciate the pictures and stories until he does. Merry Christmas Kaleb, Joanna!

Mom/Grandma said...

I love family traditions! When I was growing up we all took turns singing Christmas songs next to the Christmas tree.
Kaleb & I would make peanut butter balls each Christmas, and we always celebrated Christmas on Christmas eve, as I did when I was growing up.
My Christmas tradition has been to send each of my grandkids a new ornament each year, and when they leave home they will have a enough ornaments to decorate their own first tree.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is THE traditional time of year isnt it? As you know I get one tree top angel per year (unless someone else gets me one). I have started putting names on the inside of them for my granddaughters. They get the one I received in the year they were born. This year the 2006 angel is on top of the tree(it will be Ariel's someday). No granddaughters in 2007 so this one will go to Kaitlyn. Do you think I should save one of each of the boys too? I have 18 of them so far. See you on Christmas. Love to all.

Kaleb said...

Dee, What a great idea! I think go ahead and save for the boys -- could give them to them when they get married. Then if their new wife doesn't want to put it on the tree, she could always use it to decorate (I was just talking to a gal last week who had saved ornaments for each of her kids and her new daughter-in-law doesn't want to put them on the tree. So I guess the mom is keeping them ?!) As I get older, having the saved items is my favorite part about Chrismtas! I still use the angel that was my mom's from when I was little. Somehow it has survived the tree hitting the ground a few times over the years! My sister uses one that she remembers from our mom when she was little. So it works out. That makes Christmas so special! Love ya, Joanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanna,
I got your comment on our blog so I HAD to check yours out! Wow, how did we get from Lydia and Joshua to these big families of ours? It seems like yesterday we were visiting you in your little house in Bellingham (on Toledo st?) and alternating the babies in the swing in you living room! It was so great to catch up on your lives. Call us if you are ever in Bellingham! It would be great to have you over.

The Best Years said...

When we had the room (much bigger house) we used to put up two trees, the Victorian Tree upstairs and the traditional tree downstairs and all the requisite decorations around it. We are now down to one tree so last year it was the traditional tree with all of the homemade decorations from the boys and girls and some special ones we have bought over the years. This year it is my Victorian Tree, Reme and Whitney helped decorate and I have to say it is "stunning". We each have our favorites, Whitney loves a beautiful chrome reindeer and Reme's favorite is a Victorian angel...I have so many favorites, but I have to say the Victorian Santa's are especially nice! I wish I could see everyone's tree...but appreciate hearing about them and your traditions. Such fun!