
Fun Saturday

Today after Joshua's 9am soccer game Grandpa Omar came down with Kameron. The kids all had a great time playing. They painted these pumpkins below and were very proud of them. Kameron had picked a bunch of apples for us before they came down and while the kids were painting I was making apple sauce. It was a great busy day.

It's official, Gabe likes Grandpa Omar.


Dee said...

This is an adorable picture of Grandpa and Gabe. They both look happy!!

Dee said...

Cute picture of the kids and their pumpkins. I am glad you all had such a nice day. I missed being with you.

The M&M Gang...its where its at said...

Too cute, they definetly look alike.

The Best Years said...

Hey I think he looks just like you Omar...:)