Well, I was trying to upload these pictures for a few days and blogger was having some trouble. I was only able to get the blueberry picture uploaded. Anyway, the kids were all sad to see grandma go, although they do enjoy a nice drive to the airport.

Mackenzie being a great big sister. She loves to play with Gabe by setting up animals for him to look at.

Gabe in his cute little tiger outfit. Or, maybe it's just a kitty.

Josh made these brownies all by himself. He was very proud of himself that he figured everything out from the directions. They turned out to be exceptional brownies. Maybe he'll follow in uncle Mike's love of cooking.
Great pictures Kaleb!
I'm glad you've found time to add to the blog, it is so enjoyable to read and see the pictures.The kids are all so cute..and smart! Hopefully Grandma Cathy can come back again..sooner. See you soon
That would be a great skill for Josh to acquire..cooking...than he will be able to feed himself and have fun doing it!
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