Normally I'd want to hide all pictures of my son's wearing anything girly, but how could I resist. Levi was around the corner looking through the laundry and came back looking like this. He had his brother's basketball shorts on, except he just used one leg. I'm starting to feel bad about letting him use the pink binkie even if it is the only one left that we can find. Most people can't find a binkie when they need one. We usually can find one, but it's always the pink one that came in a pack and we had put aside. I figured that the things in his mouth and he can't really see it much anyway. People always think he's a girl anyway even without the pink binkie.

Josh bought a sunflower plant at the Farmer's Market this summer and planted it next to our driveway. We've been charting it's growth and now it has a beautiful bloom.

David came over before his trip to Australia. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousin. We look forward to reading his blog. He's traveling to Australia and then to New Zealand. I believe that after Christmas he will be traveling through Europe.
He is such a cute boy. At least he has the shorts on the right half of his body!! I don't know where the pink binkie is but it doesn't matter,he is definitely all boy! Love you Levi!!
As you know Whitney wants to go to New Zealand so bad. She will definitely be envious.
Cute picture of Levi...I am pretty sure Dee has of Michael dressed up (by his brothers and cousin Lynda I think) and I have one of Nathan in one of my dresses (school spirit week ) and we used to periodically make up my brother David....it is all part of growing up....Levi is a doll and he looks so cute in his getup.
Love, Aunt Sue
Your kids are so darn cute...all of them!!!
That sunflower picture is amazing...loved it!!
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