Levi is trying to figure out what in the world is wrong... "Hey, I thought I was the only one allowed to cry around here!"

Kenzie thinks everything is wonderful. She will hold Gabe any chance she gets.

Josh doesn't talk about the baby much, but loves to hold him. It's fun to watch Josh with him. He almost looks like a doll in this picture.

Levi has been trying out the swing for the last 2 weeks and is very excited to see Gabe using it.

Cheek to cheek. These two guys will be spending some quality time together. Only 19 months apart, they will be best buds.

Joanna is not suppose to pick up Levi for 2 weeks, but that doesn't stop him from climbing right up onto her lap. Since he is so experienced he feels that he needs to be the nursing inspector. As you can see, he's happy to see everything is A-OK. I thought that he would want to nurse too, but he just likes to check it out.
Wonderful Pictures Kaleb, the kids look so sweet with little Gabriel. He is going to be just as good looking as the rest of you. Congratulations again!
Love, Aunt Sue
Technology is so great!! I love being able to see my grandkids when I'm so far away.
Love you guys...see you in a few days!
Great Great Pictures Kaleb. All four kids are so cute!!And Joanna looks wonderful. Thanks for the update. Love to all
Grammy Dee
I have to agree the pictures are so darn cute!!!!! I look all the time at your site to watch the pictures. They are always fun to see. Levi with his new little brother is just adorable. My boys are 15 months apart so I know how much fun it will be. What a lucky little guy with 3 big siblings to spoil him. Congrats to your family.
I want to send tons of hugs your way!! I need to come see tiny Gabe!!!
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