

I finished off the fence this weekend and I am very happy about it. Already, after 2 days with a gate we've really enjoyed not chasing Levi around the yard. The dog can also go out to the bathroom by himself and also stay out for a while and enjoy the fresh air. The only downside is that the gate is easily opened from the outside. The youngest neighbor boy opened it and Levi and Carmelo escaped. I plan to add a bar type latch on the inside so that won't happen. He just wanted to play, and got more than he bargained for when the dog bowled him over on the way out.

The toughest section of the fence was the 6 feet nearest to the house. I had to dig through the concrete. I used my circular saw and 4 masonry blades to cut a 2 inch deep square boarder and then went to work with a pick ax/matax or whatever you call that thing. I also utilized a cold chisel. It was really tough to get it all cut out and the patio was 4 inches deep. The dirt was nice underneath however and the holes were the easiest to dig. Even though it was difficult, it was rewarding because it was the last section I needed to work on to finish the fence. Then I built the gate, which was easy, but it was hard to make a decision on where I wanted to hang it because the fence runs parallel to the ground and the gate was level. This makes it look like something is crooked and it was really bugging me. I decided to make a the gate a little bit shorter, so that it wouldn't line up with either side of the fence.
I still have to stain the fence and put a flower bed in the corner by the end of the driveway.

1 comment:

Dee said...