Mackenzie made a creation that is an animal. It's name is Coward Octagon. He's always messing up his work and copying other people's work. It's a boy and it's scared of swimming because it thinks that the water might gobble him up. He leaves his momma and daddy right when he's born and he has hair on half of his head and not on the other half. He's also always late for school. He never eats his lunch. He throws it in the sea because it's always seaweed. He doesn't throw his breakfast or dinner in because it it's always rolls with butter and jelly. His desert is always the same and it's always his favorite which is octagon soup with dog poop on top. He's an animal that eats dog poop. He always laughs when someone says dirty dog. He always always is nice to his friends. He never goes down the slide because he always is scared of heights. He thinks that little slides will try to tickle him. Coward Octagon says,"My favorite soup is coward octagon berry soup." Octagon always says his mom is out there and his dad is out there somewhere. Goodbye Mackenzie and Coward Octagon. The End.
Joshua made three robots that are from Mars.

#1 The littlest one is always the same as all the other little ones. This particular one is named Mini-Mario of Mars. He looks exactly like all the villagers, except he is the smallest of them. He gathers sticks for bon-fires when festivals arrive. Here are the names of the four festivals: Spook Day, Clown Day, Weird Day, and Big Boss of Mars Day(well you'll learn about Big Boss later.) At home, Mario's work is to bring out the garbage, polish his dad's armor(just in case), and last of all cleaning his boulder room(just to let you know, they live in a crater on Mars). He saves boulders in his room for holidays. He brings them out and shows them to Big Boss. Do you know how he gets chunks out of boulders? He goes on special missions to Earth. Have you noticed that on his picture his arms are kind of weird? On the back they are shooters and on the front they are grabbers. He turns around, shoots with the back sides of his arm, turns around grabs the chunks of boulders and flies back to Mars. That's all their is to Mario.

#2 Now let me tell you about Policeman of Mars. His job is to inspect Mars and make sure nobody is stealing or breaking Big Boss's boulder palace (because boulders are very rare on Mars, they're considered very valuable.) Policeman of Mars goes down to Earth with Mini-Mario and his friends to get boulder chunks.(By the way, that's how Big Boss got his castle.) After a long work in the day of inspecting the castle to make sure that no one scratched the castle and that no pieces where missing, he goes home and takes a looong, loooong, looooong nap.(And by the way that's two days.)

#3 Big Boss of Mars. How does Big Boss kill his enemies? Well I'll tell you... He shoots his eyes out at them which have razor claws on the ends. It shoots into their head if he does it right and it goes all the way through. Then, a whole bunch of blades come out of the eye. There are wires coming out of Big Boss's head now connected to his eyes and he pulls the eyes back in and his enemy's head gets chopped into pieces. His enemies are in Jupiter. He wants peace, in all the universe so he only fights when he needs to. His favorite subjects are Policeman of Mars and Mini-Mario of Mars. And that's about it with Big Boss.
1 comment:
Will have to check this place out with my grandkids....great creations!
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