Today when I got home from Men's Advance Mackenzie had a lose tooth. Over the past few months Mackenzie has had many "loose" teeth. She thinks they are loose because she want's them to be loose so bad. Today it really was loose. She complained that it hurt, but kept wiggling it. Josh lost his first tooth when he was 6 and didn't want Mackenzie to lose one because she's only 5. She kept wiggling and wiggling it and then used a quilt that used to be grandma Jeanne's to get a grip and ripped it right out. When I think about that quilt being grandma's, I wonder about someone else in the family doing the same thing years ago... Mackenzie is very happy about loosing her tooth and is talking about the tooth fairy. For Josh's first tooth the tooth fairy gave him a batman action figure. Then for subsequent ones he's gotten a dollar. Some kids get ten or twenty dollars I hear. It's nice that he's not at school hearing about the money kids are getting from the tooth fairy. It seems a little excessive. The tooth fairy has gone through some pretty intense inflation since I was a kid, but I guess not in our house. We had got her some buld-a-bear shoes for a deal, so she'll probably get those for her tooth. I'm sure she'll love it. It seems strange to me that we give kids stuff or money for their teeth. If I was getting $20 a tooth I think I'd be knocking them out myself.
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