Today Levi got to play with his new sand and water table. It was finally a nice day and not so rainy. Oh boy was he thrilled. I put on his little boots and a jacket right on top of his pj's and sent him out. Mackenzie played with him and they were out for about half an hour. Then I brought them in for a bath. I stripped Levi down to throw him in the tub, grabbed him with one hand under his hiney and as I was lifting him into the tub I realized that I didn't check very carefully when I tore off his diaper. Man oh man. At least he was already in the bathtub. I thought that the water and sand table would be the surprise for the day, but apparently Levi had a surprise up his sleeve as well.
1 comment:
Such a cute picture! I love your stories Kaleb...makes the picture even more interesting!
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