Pinewood Derby

Spring Ride

Yesterday I got home and the weather was wonderful. We all got excited to go on a bike ride and Levi kept putting on Mackenzie's helmet. So I figured he wanted to go too. I got out his new helmet and put his seat on the back of my bike. We had 45 min. to get back so we could eat dinner and get to church by 6 for faithweavers. Mackenzie's stomach was bugging her for the whole ride which was tough because she still needs help on the hills. We rode up to the high school and around past the baseball field and football field and down to AJ's House(A kid in my bible study/ He's also my TA at school) We checked out a project he is working on in his backyard and then I called Joanna because I didn't think Kenzie could make it back. She was in the middle of dinner so I told her we would try.

Grandpa Cobb's Visit
Levi's Surprise!

Today Levi got to play with his new sand and water table. It was finally a nice day and not so rainy. Oh boy was he thrilled. I put on his little boots and a jacket right on top of his pj's and sent him out. Mackenzie played with him and they were out for about half an hour. Then I brought them in for a bath. I stripped Levi down to throw him in the tub, grabbed him with one hand under his hiney and as I was lifting him into the tub I realized that I didn't check very carefully when I tore off his diaper. Man oh man. At least he was already in the bathtub. I thought that the water and sand table would be the surprise for the day, but apparently Levi had a surprise up his sleeve as well.
The Truth
I just watched about 15 min of the most ridiculous thing I've seen in awhile. Someone gave us this movie to watch called the Secret. Reading the cover, it seemed a little strange, but I thought I give it a go. It didn't even take a 5 minute span to discern how insane it was. I thought that I was going to watch a movie and I ended up watching new age propaganda. I watched a little more so that I could be informed about what they believe. They basically think that you can have anything you want if you think about it enough. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000. I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000.I would like $50,000. What do you think, is that is enough? You can have your cake and eat it too. But on the serious side watching the movie just made me feel sick. That's the best way I can explain it. I guess Oprah is promoting it. She does a lot of good things, but then brings in crap like this. What a crock. God provides for us and sometimes does it in unique ways and it really pisses me off that these people try to play it off like it's my thinking that creates my reality. The Secret is a gimmick which is evident even just by the name. They call it the secret so you will want to know what it is. You'll want to figure out the secret and be in the know. The Truth is the world doesn't revolve around you, or me for that matter.
Power Disc
There was some slight pushing, but it was mostly friendly. We were covering ground like crazy and finished 4 holes in the time it took us to do 1 before. On the fifth hole we came out of the woods and sideways up a muddy hill to the hole. I was pushed and it was all I could do to just stay on my feet. Another guy went down. He basically did a Pete Rose down the hill. His pants were completely mud on the whole front. The next hole was straight down the muddy hill and up a smooth incline on the other side. One guy fell on that hill. He went right into a slide in his rain pants and was passing people. Several others almost fell due to laughing. People saw us playing while we were finishing up and just stopped and watched. I'm sure you can imagine. Josh managed to stay with us. He would start before us on each hole and get mostly out of the way. It was a great time. I don't know the dude in the picture, I just got this one on the internet. :)

Nice work on Bumper Bella!
My Tooth is Loose Daddy!

Mackenzie is reveling in her loose teeth. She loves that they wiggle and come out. She's really tough too. She doesn't mind me pulling on them to help get them out. Someone else in the family didn't like that too much. Mackenzie's lost two now. Here is the proof. She also did her own hair in this picture. I think it looks great.
Midnight Musings
So here I am at 12:30 AM entering grades on my computer. I enjoy staying up late with one requirement: sleeping in. However, I have to get up at 6 AM which will be no fun at all when it comes. I'm starting to feel a little delirious, but grades are due at noon which seems strange to me since we all have classes in the morning. I've had a ton to do lately and am not done doing grades early as usual. Not only do I have class, but I also have to teach the SAT prep class at 6-9 tonight after school. I needed a break so I decided to relax and write some stuff on here for a bit. Mackenzie was her usual intelligent self yesterday. She says stuff so quickly and surely about things you wouldn't think she'd know. Or at least things you would think that she had right there ready to say without really thinking about it. A subtle example of that from yesterday: We had breakfast for dinner and Joanna made 6 pieces of bacon. Mackenzie asked if she could have more than one piece. Joanna told Mackenzie that there wasn't enough and the kids could have 1 piece and the parents 2. Mackenzie said that we could just cut them in half and we could all have 1 and a half pieces. How could we say no to that. So, Kenzie split the extras in half and passed them around.
Joshua and Levi went with mom grocery shopping after dinner and Josh was a great help. Levi is really difficult to keep in a shopping cart. So, Joanna tried the car in the cart cart. Joshua hung out with Levi in the car and Levi was so excited that he was in there with Josh that he wasn't trying to get out at all. I love the picture of our serious little drivers. I just have a little more to do on my grades, so I'd better get at it. I'm aiming at sleep by 1.

Science Center (Grossology)
After church today we jumped in the car and went down to the science center. They have an exhibit right now on the human body. It's called Grossology. We (meaning I) really wanted to see it.
While trying to find parking I saw the coolest USPS mailbox I've ever seen. So I made sure that our path from the car to the science museum went past it. When we got to it I had to get a picture, I think you'll agree that it's incredible.
Next we went on in to the Science Center. When we got there and went in they were having a demonstration on combustion it was pretty cool. This picture is a balloon bursting that has hydrogen and oxygen in it. The guy popped it with a poker that had a flame on it. Basically he blew stuff up and talked about combustion being a combination of fuel, oxygen and heat. From there we checked out the dinosaurs. Levi thought that they were great he kept pointing at them.
We skipped all the main exhibits and went straight for Grossology. Each display on what the human body does was really well done. Josh liked this one on burping and Mackenzie liked the giant nose. Joanna took a picture of it, but there were so many people in the nose so I didn't put it up here.
Mackenzie and Levi played in the nose and throat playground. Levi had a wonderful time crawling through the throat.
I saw this sign and had to take a picture. I knew that every mom out there would just love to know this little known fact. Just think if you were not born here in the USA. Then we went and watched an imax on the human body. It covered basically everything and I was worried at one point when there were all these sperm swimming all over the place and it was explaining how the sperm and egg work. All Josh talked about was that the sperm were like little people because of something they said. I'll tell him a little more, but at this age I'm going to wait for him to ask. I know he'll ask me when he wants to know. He's just like that. Josh thought it was really gross when they showed the food inside the stomach churning around. Mackenzie wasn't really phased by any of it. She's got a strong stomach.
On the way out we checked out the Whale's Tail sculpture and Josh helped Mackenzie get up by putting her on his shoulders. He then tried to run and jump up, but it was too high and I had to give him a hand. Mackenzie saw Josh slide down and so she followed suit.
After dinner we ended up passing this sculpture which was right by our car. Josh loved the idea of getting into the race.

After dinner we ended up passing this sculpture which was right by our car. Josh loved the idea of getting into the race.

Play-doh and St. Patrick's Day

Levi had 3 shots given to him today and he was quite a trooper. He cried after the first one a little bit like what are you doing to me. The nurse was really fast and after his third shot he was done being fussy about it. I was impressed. It was like he was thinking... (Ok that's over, now what.) We were worried about him being allergic to the egg whites they put in some shots. We try to stay away from eggs, but we're not sure if they are a problem for him or not. He was fine and didn't have a reaction. On a similar note, he has not had any major reactions. We're very happy about that.
Let's Ride!
Mackenzie and I went on a bike ride today. We went through the neigborhood towards the high school tennis courts. We watched a tennis match and then went around the back of the high school and made a pit stop at my room. Then we finished off the trip and came on home. It was great and Mackenzie did a great job riding. No spills. She's doing great on the bike.
The last video that I uploaded only shows 2 seconds. I guess google video is on the problem and fixing the videos effected. Hopefully it will get fixed and you can see it.
The last video that I uploaded only shows 2 seconds. I guess google video is on the problem and fixing the videos effected. Hopefully it will get fixed and you can see it.
Ace Catapult
Joshua made a catapult today out of two chairs and an ace bandage. He first launched something across the room and then decided he need something to shoot at. As you can see, army men were the chosen enemy's. Mackenzie calls Josh Goliath because those guys are just so little. Enjoy.



New Game!
Joshua made up a new game today. He would write down four animals and then you have to create an animal that combined all of them. Then you have to give it a name that includes parts of the 4 names of the animals. He gave me Lion, Rhino, Eagle, and Horse. I named it Linoglorse. So here is my drawing.
Then he gave Kenzie Unicorn, Penguin, Human, and Pigeon. It is called Pigcornguinman. Here is her drawing.
So then I had Josh do one of his own. I gave him these 4 animals: Pig, Zebra, Anteater, and Porcupine. He named it Piterapine. Here it is:
Now your challenge is to send us a drawing of your "animal." Here are the 4 parts: Snake, Mouse, Moose, and Beaver. Send to Kaleb_Allinson@verizon.net Good Luck!

Mackenzie riding her bike solo!
Mackenzie and I got a little more bike riding practice today and I wanted to show off her progress. It was a great day to be outside. The girl chasing Mackenzie is her neighbor friend Julianna.
Loose Tooth!

Men's Advance
I'm going to Warm Beach Conference Center near Stanwood this weekend. Joanna's watching the kids and I get to go have fun and listen to some great speakers. I'm going with a bunch of other guys from my church. So, I will not be posting until Sunday at least. Have a great weekend.
Snow Day!
We got up this morning and found out that schools were closed. Snow Day! First we had waffles and eggs before getting all decked out in our snow gear. We tried making a snowman but the snow wouldn't pack after sitting overnight. We could still make snowballs, especially with bare hands. If you don't remember how that feels, it's really really cold till it burns.
Kenzie was the first to come in because her gloves came off and she couldn't keep them on. Josh sat on the chair in our backyard that was full of snow and called it his snow throne. We threw snowballs for awhile. I hit josh in the face twice and he got me right in the shoulder/chin once pretty good. It wasn't good sledding because the snow was melting and the road was really wet. Joanna encouraged us to go outside one more time as this would be, baring another miracle, the last snow of the year. We tried to make a snowman and found that since the snow was starting to melt it was sticking well. There was so much snow that it really made it easy to make a snowman. We keep making them until we had our whole family of snow people. Then we came in, had lunch, and played with the wooden trains. The sky has been beautiful all day and there were only tiny flurries for a few minutes in the morning. I heard that it's possible we'll get a little bit more snow tonight. I had heard that New York got around 10 feet of snow recently. I can't even imagine what kinds of problems that might cause. Could you even go out and enjoy it???? Well, we made it through yet another snow day this winter and still have had no incidents with yellow snow. Thank goodness.

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