We recently purchased a used, new to us, tent trailer and we named him Hank. We went camping at the Thousand Trails in Grandy Creek, near Concrete and Baker Lake. Joanna came down with Strep Throat and I had to ruin the fun and call the trip. She was willing to stay... :0 Anyway, we still let the kids play on Saturday on the big bounce pillow for quite a while before and after lunch. They loved it. It is somehow fun for all ages. They should have an adult hour. We also climbed the rock wall. I'm looking forward to some more camping this summer.

Well, it sure looks like the kids had fun anyway! I love rock climbing! What a good husband to put down your foot and make sure Joanna takes care of herself! I guess it is in most moms to not want to dissapoint.
"Hank"...I love it! Reminds me of my dad naming all our vehicles. Looks like the kids still had a good time. We look forward to spending time w/ Hank soon:)
Hope you are better Joanna. Not fun getting sick on vacation. Bouncing on just about anything is fun for kids.
That looks like a fun place for your family. I'm sure you will spend much more time with "Hank" this summer.
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