So, we went camping on Memorial Day Weekend and Hank made his full weekend debut. He treated us well and the weekend was a blast. Levi made a huge transition into crazy man at the pool. He is not afraid to jump off the side right into the pool. I have to make sure I'm watching carefully because he doesn't care if I'm looking or not. He jumps in blind faith. Oh to have the faith of a child.
Google Desktop, Feeds and my new Laptop
I do have some pictures to update my blog, however I am working on connecting my network at home with my new laptop. I am able to get on the Internet and I have even printed once wirelessly but it was a fleeting moment and the connection is continually posing an issue. I think it's mostly due to the fact that I'm using Windows Vista on my laptop and Windows XP on my desktop.
Something you may be interested in... I went to the bottom of each person's blog and clicked a link that says subscribe to posts. After I did this on every blog I frequent, there was a list of feeds in Internet Explorer. It's somewhere near where you would find History. Then on my computer I have a section on the right that has live content. I added my feeds and now whenever someone posts a blog it shows up.
Before this, I would occasionally make it to all your blogs for an update on what was going on in all your lives. I would regularly read your blogs, yet I would fail to comment because I couldn't keep up with everyone's latest news. I'm not promising that I will comment on every post, but I will be more likely to.
If this doesn't work for you I think you can add all your blogs to Google reader. This way they would still all be in one place so you don't have to check so many blog's all the time. Pheww time saver.
Once I get my network all connected I will post some pictures. Maybe before if it isn't working.
Flowing Lake

Camping with Hank

We recently purchased a used, new to us, tent trailer and we named him Hank. We went camping at the Thousand Trails in Grandy Creek, near Concrete and Baker Lake. Joanna came down with Strep Throat and I had to ruin the fun and call the trip. She was willing to stay... :0 Anyway, we still let the kids play on Saturday on the big bounce pillow for quite a while before and after lunch. They loved it. It is somehow fun for all ages. They should have an adult hour. We also climbed the rock wall. I'm looking forward to some more camping this summer.

Spring Family Photo

Sara took some great shots of our family. It was hard because of all the squirmers, and it was a little bit too sunny. We love the photos. We also saw the pics she took at our niece Sara's wedding recently and they were amazing. Some of them are on her blog in a little slide show. Thanks Sara!