Gramma Cathy just moved into town and the kids are thrilled to be able to see her more often. She came over to visit for a couple of days and we went to the zoo. We also cleaned the garage and some bedrooms. Ahh... spring break. It started with 3 days of snow, so we were glad able to get outside and enjoy the sun.
Oh yeah, spring cleaning on spring break- fun times.
The Zoo is such a great place for a family outing. The three days of snow was just a way to welcome Gramma Cathy to Washington maybe?
It's nice for your family that she is closer. Love to all of you. See you soon.
Yes...snow. Hmmm...
That picture of Josh chillin on the monkey is hilarious. He is such a character. He is so tall too! Holy smokes, what happened!
BTW...I am determined to NEVER be one of those people who hates getting older, age brings wisdom! I want to always look forward to my b-day and proclaim my age proudly :) So yah. And Technically, I'm 21 and 3/4 lol!
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