
California Homeschool Law

If you've followed the news lately California courts have made a blanket statement on a court case saying that parents are not legally allowed to homeschool(in California) unless they have a teaching degree.

Joanna and I strongly believe that parents should have the right to educate their children without a teaching degree. So we both signed the HSLDA petition

Even if you haven't personally chosen to homeschool, it's vitally important that parents retain their rights to educate their own children! Personal convictions aside, home education is statistically a great choice for academic reasons.

As parents, we value our right to make decisions regarding raising and educating our children, and for us, that includes not heading off to a school building for 8 hours every day.

You do not even have to have children or live in California to sign the petition. Please consider.


Dee said...

I agree with you Kaleb. How do I sign the petition. I understand their should be some standards in place so it is not used to just keep kids at home, but parents should retain all rights to educate their children.

Violet said...

Hey Kaleb!
I signed right away. Thanks for putting it up as a link. I will tell Ken and Trish about it tomorrow. I bet they'll sign too.

eboss said...

Amen! It's a violation of rights big time. Could not believe it when I heard it on the news. I am signing ASAP!

joanna said...

Just click on the link in the message and it will take you to the petition.