Mackenzie lost her tooth today. It was really wiggly and she has no problem wriggling it around to help get it out. She even let me put dental floss around it and yank it out without a peep. It kind of made a pop sound too. Don't worry it was really loose. Like dangling from a corner loose.
Cute picture....I love this age when they look toothless when they smile!
I guess the tooth fairy will be coming to the Allinson's house tonight! Kenzie...I remember that you also lost a tooth while I was there in September. I love this picture of you...and your beautiful smile. Love you...
Haha, she is so funny about her teeth, she is such a trooper about letting adults help them come out! She was so shocked when I pulled out the last one. I was too! I didn't think it would actually come out.
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