
It's Puzzle Time

Josh and Mackenzie were thrilled to finish this puzzle. I remember doing puzzles when I was growing up with my mom and with family during thanksgiving once as well. Anyway, they are lots of fun.


Dee said...

Fun to see your love of puzzles is now being enjoyed by the kids. It was always a challenge to find the most difficult one I could find for you. You always mastered it in record time. Kameron is very good at puzzles too.

Mom/Grandma said...

Great job Josh & Kenzie...I love how colorful the puzzle is. Doing puzzles was my favorite pastime in the evening when I was growing up. One year my grandma Helen bought me a round puzzle,it was the first I'd ever seen, and I was thrilled! Your Dad had a great eye for puzzles when he was your age too, and we could spend hours doing them.