Here are all the kids all dressed in their Halloween best. Gabe is a bear. Someone gave us the outfit at Joanna's shower. It's a little big, but really cute. Levi is a lion and in this picture he had just gotten up from a nap. He was pretty cranky. 5 minutes later as we were going outside to trick-or-treat he was all smiles. He thought it was great going up to people's doors. Mackenzie is a beautiful princess. Grandma Cathy made her costume during her visit last month. Josh is Zorro. We had a couple other costumes, but he insisted on Zorro and bought all the parts himself. He got most of the costume at value village and the only part that came together was the mask and hat. His favorite part is the whip.

After trick-or-treating we went to church for a ton of games. The older three played all the games and jumped in the bounce house. Josh even won some cupcakes in the cake walk. They had a cool backdrop seen here to take pictures. Mackenzie and Josh used their hats for candy because we forgot to bring bags.

Grandpa Cobb came over for trick-or-treating and walked around with the kids. He always likes to come over on Halloween and see the kids all dressed up. I remember him always going over to Juli's house too when her kids were little so he could take them around the block. Gabe is looking pretty comfortable in grandpa's arms.