Another hat trick for Mackenzie
I forgot to mention that Mackenzie did great again in her soccer game. She scored 3 or 4 goals. The daisies were victorious again although we're not suppose to keep score. It's kind of funny because all the kids know the score no matter what we say.
Last Week

Last week we went to the park and had a KFC picnic. Levi really enjoyed the planes flying overhead and the swing for awhile. He really likes to be able to traipse around all by himself and discover what the playground has for him. Of course I'm right behind him most of the time.

Josh and Mackenzie were enjoying this slide rail thing but Mackenzie was having a little trouble reaching it. Josh said, "Hop on," and off they went. I was surprised he could hold up another 40 pounds.

Up close, look at that face.

Grandpa Omar came by on his birthday and so the kids helped me bake a cake. It tasted really good and Josh was very proud of it. However, I think Mackenzie helped out a bit more than he did making it.

I think that Grandpa was a little confused about his age. Maybe he just didn't have enough fingers and toes and decided to round up to one century.
35 Weeks

Joanna is 35 weeks along now. She's looking so beautiful and she's about to have a baby. WOW! She had the others all between 37 and 38 weeks. This Sunday will be the 36 week mark. I think that means we're getting close. I'm really excited to meet our new baby boy. I have a surprise if anyone can guess the name beforehand. Just comment with your guess.
Morning banana
Lynden Fair

We went the Lynden Fair yesterday and had a blast. We met up with Grandpa Omar and Grammy Dee just in time to see Kameron show a pygmy goat. He did a great job. Josh liked hanging out with him while he was waiting for his turn. Grandpa took Levi around to see all the animals while we were waiting and they had a great time as well. Then we had a bite to eat and went on rides. Josh and Kameron went on most of the big rides. They went on the Gravatron 4 times in a row and would have gone more if I let them. After the rides we had ice cream cones and then had some dinner. I love having desert before dinner. It was a long day and we were home by 11:00, but we had a great time. Dee got a ton a of good pictures and we stopped taking any, so I'm hoping to get some from her. Oh, yeah, check out this hat that Grammy Dee just had to buy for Levi. Isn't it cute?
Blackberry season... well, almost.

Mackenzie was thrilled to find some ripe blackberries today and picked as many as she could. I thought that they were a bit tart still but Levi ate as many as he possibly could. He thought that he was a little thief whenever he was eating them. He kept looking around a giggling. He was extremely purple faced. When the berries all come in and we really go picking, I'll have to make sure to get a picture of him with his painted face.
Hat Trick plus
A quick note. I didn't get any pictures at today's soccer game, but Mackenzie was phenomenal. She scored 3 goals and also scored one off of a throw-in. We had a great time and had slurpees afterwards.
Aquafest and Soccer

Splash Park

We went to the new splash park at forest park in Everett. Levi had a great time exploring the water. He really liked the watching the water squirt all over but was a little tentative to jump right in there and get all wet. Josh was all over the place standing on top of the huge water spouts and having a great time. Unfortunately my batteries died and I only got 3 pictures. I hope you enjoy this one.
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