My Nephews David and Joel turn 18 on February 14th. Before their party Joel had created a giant tent with blankets, 2 or 3 couches, and a TV cabinet. When our kids got to the party they were thrilled to say the least. They crawled in to watch a movie and played in there for hours. I was disappointed that the TV was connected to the fort because why watch that hunk of junk when you can have more fun playing in the fort? Eventually we dragged them out of the fort and were on our way home. I went to work the next morning and somehow worked through the day without a thought towards building a blanket fort. Much to my surprise, when I got home that afternoon creativity was flowing out the door. Couch cushions, blankets and pillows were all over the family room. Joshua and Mackenzie were deep in the mess. A desire to jump right in and build along side them was overtaken by wonder at what they might build on their own. I watched as they put all the couch cushions in a circle and covered them with a blanket. It was low to the ground, but they were able to squeeze their little bodies in all the same. An occasional ripple on the blanket from them moving below was all I could see of them for a good 5 minutes. Joshua came out and decide that he would use the couch and some cushions propped up to form the walls. This seemed to be his best bet and he wanted me to take a picture. They are still creating right now after a break from dinner and I'm delaying my eventual contributions to their madness because they are playing so well together. This seems hit or miss. Boy - Girl. 2.5yrs between. Currently they are extending the fort in the picture to include an entrance tunnel. I'm thinking of using chairs and tables and their mess will surely become a whirlwind. Are you ever too old to build a blanket fort? I think not. If you are you need to reconsider. I'd love to see a picture of your best blanket fort.
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