Me: I went to math day at the UW and took 40 students with me. Really, this was the first school field trip that I actually organized. It was a great time and we got to listen to some cool speakers. The main speaker was a fisheries guy and he explained how math is used to keep track of the fish populations and keep them fished to an optimal level where the catch can be maximized. I also have just gotten my Loan Originators license. I am working with secure financial center and I am really excited about working the numbers to help people get a loan. If you need to refinance or want to buy let me know and I will help you out. I will definantly have your best interest in mind.

AJ is leaving Monday for a 5 month training and world mission trip. He managed to raise/earn all the money needed and he stopped by yesterday to say goodbye. I hope he has a great trip. The kids love him and will mis him stopping by.

Mackenzie: She has lost a bunch of teeth lately and now has one of her adult teeth coming in on top. She's been playing with her friend Juliana next door a bunch and is a big helper around the house with Levi and Gabriel. She likes to help in the kitchen too.

Gabriel: He has been a little sick lately and I'm not sure if it's teething or something else. Actually he was doing quite well today. He has two bottom little teeth and they are very sharp. He's a real charmer and loves his jumper.

Lily: She had 4 kittens a couple of weeks ago and they are all really cute. She keeps them under the stairs and we try to keep the kids away from them as much as possible. The kids are actually great about it and leave them alone. It's our visitors that really like to get in there and see them.

Levi: He's doing very well with his alergies. He hasn't thrown up at night or had diarhea for at least a month. It's been so great. He's talking a lot more and his favorite thing to do is play hide and seek. Joanna is constantly working on finding things that Levi will like and also some things to put his supplements in that will mask the taste.
By the way it has snowed for 3 days straight and it'smarch 30th during my spring
break, and after easter. What's up with that?
Joshua: He plans on playing football in the fall and has been saving up some money to pay for some gear. He plays with Spencer, his friend next door, as much as he can. He's also reading books as much as possible.
Joanna: She has been slaving away in the kitchen making special foods for Levi and the rest of the family. It's rare that dinner is not delicious. In fact, my belly can't remember the last time. I need to force myself to eat smaller portions. She is really excited about a homeschool conference that we will be attending soon. She's also working hard at home schooling the little stinkers. Add in a little nursing at night, a whole lot of cleaning and there isn't much time for anything else. I try to let her sneak out of here when I can. It's nice for her when she can even just go shopping on her own.