This is a report from a survey taken from teachers in the 50 largest urban area's in the united states. I am just showing you the top few here. I was always trying to figure out why it seemed so hard to survive and pay the mortgage in this area. My monthly gross pay is slightly higher than what it says for Seattle probably because I have 45 credits more than a masters degree. My mortgage is the same however. Also, I have about a thousand dollars in reduction for medical and retirement and taxes, etc. When I look at the bottom of the table and see numerous areas where the median mortgages are less than 20% of their gross income, I must admit I think of moving. This area is too expensive. I want to be able to buy an acre or two that the kids can run around and play on. Well, I don't have to be able to have acreage, but it would be nice to be able to go on a vacation in the summer instead of teaching summer school. Now, I'm just complaining. We'll see.
Here is the website that has the information I've pilfered.